Wireless Temperature Sensor / Hypothermia Detector
Wireless temperature sensor / hypothermia detector
The wireless temperature sensor can prevent hypothermia in older people. The monitored temperature sensor can also be used for a number of business applications.
You can purchase your wireless temperature sensor along with a telecare base unit and we will monitor it 24 hours a day. The detector will send an alarm to our 24-hour response centre if the temperature drops below a safe level. You can also add a low temperature/hypothermia detector to your existing telecare system (wirelessly). It's a great way to ensure the temperature in your home, or in the home of a loved one, doesn't drop too low.
The temperature sensor reacts if a temperature drop is detected and allows help to be provided before resulting health issues become a problem for the elderly, people with health problems or small children. This system is ideal for those who may struggle with heating bills within the home. It is welcomed by care staff and family who are concerned for the welfare of their patients or loved ones.
How much will the telecare monitoring cost?
Our telecare monitoring charges in Ireland and the UK for individuals are currently: Yearly - Ireland €66 / UK £52. Also, when you choose TASK to monitor your pendant alarm, we will monitor any linked telecare devices such as your low temperature sensor/hypothermia detector in your home* completely FREE (including other pendant alarms) *monitored from the same telecare base-unit. Call us today UK: 0845 304 55 35 or ROI: +353 1 8435889.